Preis : EUR 13,20

Street Fighter IV brings the legendary fighting series back to its roots by taking the beloved fighting moves and techniques of the original Street Fighter II, and infusing them with Capcom's latest advancements in next-generation technology. Everything that made the legendary Street Fighter II a hit in the arcades, living rooms and dormitories across the globe has been brought back in Street Fighter IV. Players will be able to play their favourite classic characters, such as Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li and Guile, along with new characters, including Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus. Characters and environments are rendered in stylised 3D, while the game is played in the classic Street Fighter 2D perspective with additional 3D camera flourishes. Six-button controls for the game return, with a host of new special moves and features integrated into the gameplay system. Street Fighter IV brings a brand new fighting game to fans the world over.
- Stylised 3D environments and characters
- Traditional "2D" Street Fighter six-button gameplay
- Classic Street Fighter characters re-imagined for a new generation of gamers, including the original cast of Street Fighter II
- New brawlers: female super-spy Crimson Viper, lucha libre wrestler El Fuerte, mixed martial artist Abel and more!
- New special moves that go beyond any Street Fighter fan's wildest imagination, including Focus Attacks, Super Combos, and the revenge-fueled Ultra Combo system
- Amazing locations never seen before in a Street Fighter game
- New gameplay elements provide challenges for both newcomers as well as the most seasoned Street Fighter pro
Street Fighter IV [UK Import] Bewertungen und Meinungen
1 von 2 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
Mir gefällts, 31. März 2010
Von Sebastian Lauermann "Sammler" (Hessen) - Alle meine Rezensionen ansehen(REAL NAME)
Spaßfaktor:5.0 von 5 Sternen
Rezension bezieht sich auf: Street Fighter IV [UK Import] (Videospiel)
Bin schon seit Street Fighter 1 und 2 ein großer Fan von Beat'em Ups und habe in den letzten Jahren mit wenigen Spielen, außer vielleicht Soul Calibur, so viel spaß wie mit Street Fighter IV.
0 von 1 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich:
3.0 von 5 Sternen
Street fighter 5, 18. August 2010
Von Jesus - Alle meine Rezensionen ansehen
Spaßfaktor:3.0 von 5 Sternen
Rezension bezieht sich auf: Street Fighter IV [UK Import] (Videospiel)
Ja is eigentlich ganz cool das spiel finds nur viel zu schwer die endgegner sind fast unbesiegbar bin hald ein fan von street fighter doch freue mich auch wenn bald tekken vs street fighter rauskommt das wird der absolute wahnsinn
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