Preis : EUR 16,86

As the all-new racing experience from Codemasters Studios, creators of Colin McRae: DiRT, Race Driver: GRID is all about the race. Every moment from the adrenalin rush at the start lights to the elation at the chequered flag the tension, pressure, noise, and action.
Featuring only the most powerful race cars current and classic, circuit and drift players will compete to conquer the most prestigious official race tracks and championships and then go beyond to compete in challenging city-based competitions, through to road events and urban street races.
With races crammed with action and incident, high-impact moments will come at you thick and fast, one right after another: engine blows, tyre blow outs, tight overtaking, accidents, opponent cars flipping, spinning, collisions with other cars and trackside objects.
From humble beginnings, earning a few thousand dollars a season, build a feared and respected racing team with a multi-million dollar income and complete at dramatic race locations and dominate a multi-disciplined world of racing.
In Europe, race prestige Marques, including Aston Martin, Koenigsegg and Pagani, on the greatest official race circuits. Enter street competitions and race high-performance V8 muscle cars through iconic U.S. cities including San Francisco, Washington DC and Detroit. In the Far East, Japanese racing culture sets the tone where night races, including Drift racing, take drivers through neon illuminated cities and to outlying mountain roads.
As the antithesis of the box-ticking, plodding single-player race game, Race Driver: GRID delivers a diverse career mode in a persistent world of racing that provides each player with a unique experience as their team writes itself into racing folklore.
Race Driver: Grid [UK-Import] Bewertungen und Meinungen
1 von 1 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
Super Spiel!, 1. September 2009
Von C. Baier - Alle meine Rezensionen ansehen(REAL NAME)
Spaßfaktor:5.0 von 5 Sternen
Rezension bezieht sich auf: Race Driver: Grid [UK-Import] (Videospiel)
Bin sehr zufrieden, es wird nicht langweilig. Man kann bei vielen verschiedenen Wettbewerben teilnehmen. Die Autos haben verschiedene Fahrverhalten, was es sehr realistisch macht. Außerdem hat es eine 1A Grafik. Es ist auch ein Karrieremodus vorhanden. Kurz: Das beste Rennspiel das ich bisher auf der XBox gespielt habe.
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