Preis : EUR 29,45

Ezio Auditore da Firenze returns for the last time, in a direct sequel to 2009's smash hit Assassin's Creed II. For the first time ever in the series a fully-featured multiplayer mode will allow you to compete against your friends, as well as continue the centuries old battle against the Knights Templar.
The multiplayer modes are no simple deathmatch game though, as you play the various different character classes against each other and play the role of predator and prey simultaneously. You won't be working alone in the single player mode either, as Ezio commands a whole team of fellow assassins. Each has their own skills and weapons and it's up to you to train and customise them, as they evolve throughout the game.
You'll need all the help you can get too, with enemy soldiers that are more intelligent and aggressive than ever before, in the biggest and most action-packed historical adventure yet.
Key Features
- Return Bout: Become Ezio the master assassin once again, with a new 15 hour single player epic that lets you take the fight to the heart of the Templar organisation.
- The A-Team: Find, recruit and train your own team of assassins, and customise them to work alone on secret missions or help you track down targets.
- Multiplayer Creed: For the first time ever in an Assassin's Creed game enjoy a host of new multiplayer modes and play as a range of character classes - from blacksmith to courtesan.
- Roman Holiday: Fight to liberate Rome from tyranny in the largest city ever seen in the series. Use your own money to rebuild landmarks and unlock extra missions.
- Weapons Master: Utilise a range of new weapons and equipment provided by Leonardo da Vinci, including poison darts, double hidden blades and a parachute.
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Game XBOX 360 [UK-Import] Bewertungen und Meinungen
0 von 1 Kunden fanden die folgende Rezension hilfreich:
4.0 von 5 Sternen
Assassin`s Creed 2.5, 7. April 2011
Von O. Kopp "zappzarapp" (Köln) - Alle meine Rezensionen ansehen(REAL NAME)
Spaßfaktor:5.0 von 5 Sternen
Rezension bezieht sich auf: Assassins Creed Brotherhood Game XBOX 360 [UK-Import] (Videospiel)
Spitzenmäßiges Open-World-Game; gute Präsentation, super erzählte Story
samt glaubwürdiger Figuren und eine GRANDIOSE Atmosphäre. Daumen Hoch!
Einzig die Technik wirkt (mittlerweile) etwas veraltet, das Gameplay bietet
im Vergleich zum genialen Vorgänger kaum Neues. Es ist kein dritter Teil,
vielmehr eine dicke (und eigenständige) Erweiterung zu Assassins Creed 2.
Kann ich nur empfehlen; quasi ein "GTA Rome" mit etwas mehr Meuchelei!
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